God has gifted us to love one another, bless one another, and serve one another. The Christian life was never intended to be lived solo. The church is the place where people are called out from the world, and together they can seek to follow the model set forth in Acts 2:42, where they worshipped, learned, loved, prayed, and proclaimed the gospel to the world. God wants to use you in the church.

1) The church matters. 

Jesus calls His church to worship Him, serve Him, and tell people about Him. There is no organization or group that can do what the church does. The Bible describes the church as an organism, the “Body of Christ,” and declares that Jesus Himself is the Head that leads and directs each person to do their part. The work that God does in the world is done by the church (1 Corinthians 12).

2) You matter. 

Every believer is vital to the work and worship that takes place in the church. The church is not a building; the church is you! You are a living stone that makes up the spiritual house of holy people (1 Peter 2:5). You, as a Christian, are to abide in Christ and bear fruit, as a branch bears fruit when connected to the vine (John 15:1–8).

3) What you do matters. 

It’s easy to passively sit by in the church and take in week after week. It’s easy to think that you don’t really matter in the church. Maybe you think, “Someday, I might get involved,” but then you dismiss the thought because you are too busy, too tired, or don’t feel equipped. You matter, your gifts matter, and your life as a believer in Jesus Christ will not be fully satisfying until you step up and play your part in the work God is doing in the church (1 Corinthians 12).

4) It's time to start making a difference!

The challenge for us as believers is to be transformed and do the will of God in our lives (Romans 12). Only you can say yes and get involved.

When you say yes, the best things happen.

• You experience joy in pleasing God.
• You get a sense of belonging and value.
• You join a community.
• You help others.
• You discover and use your gifts.
• You increase your reward in Heaven.
• You expand God’s kingdom.


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